1.7 Shumway & Stoffer (2nd Ed.)
Consider the following time series model:
where the $w_t$ are i.i.d with mean zero and variance $\sigma^2$. Determine the autocovariance and autocorrelation functions of $x_t$.
1.6 Shumway & Stoffer (2nd Ed.) Consider the time series
where $w_t$ are i.i.d with mean zero and variance $\sigma^2$.
a) Determine whether $x_t$ is weakly stationary.
b) Show that the process $y_t = x_t - x_{t-1}$ is weakly stationary. (Charlotte says: this is known as taking a first difference of the series)
c) Show the mean of the moving average is $\beta_1 + \beta_2 t$ and give a simplified expression for the autocovariance funcion of $v_t$.
Chatfield 3.9
For each of the following processes:
a) $X_t = 0.3 X_{t-1} + Z_t$
b) $X_t = Z_t - 1.3Z_{t-1} + 0.4Z_{t-2}$
c) $X_t = 0.5 X_{t-1} + Z_t - 1.3 Z_{t-1} + 0.4 Z_{t-2}$
express the model using B notation and determine whether the model is stationary and/or invertible. For model (a) find the equivlant MA representation.
Chatfield 3.11
Show that the ac.f. of the ARMA(1,1) model
where $|\alpha| \lt 1$, and $|\beta | \lt 1$ is given by
a. Use the ARMAacf
function in R to find the theoretical autocorrelation function of the following AR(2) model, out to lag 10.
where $Z_t \sim_{i.i.d} N(0, 1)$.
b. Simulate a time series of length 30 from the same model, and use the acf
function to estimate the autocorrelation coefficent at lag 1.
c. Repeat the simulation 1000 times. Does the sample autocorrelation coefficient appear to be an unbiased estimate of the true autocorrelation at lag 1?
d. Does the answer to c. change with longer time series?
e. What is the relationship between the variance of the sample autocorrelation coefficent and the time series length?
If you haven’t seen the replicate
function in R, you should check it out.
Use simulation to illustrate the following properties of a random walk with zero drift: